TEMSCON Global 2025 : 2025 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Conference - Global

August 4-7, 2025San Diego, CA, USA
Today’s world has been profoundly shaped by technological innovation. The
scale and impact of technology on tomorrow’s world will likely be even greater,
with attendant opportunities as well as predicaments. How well we manage
technologies and their exploitation will thus substantially determine whether
we realize a sustainable and flourishing future for humanity and the planet.
From addressing societal challenges to meeting industry needs to facilitating
entrepreneurial ventures, addressing imperatives of today and tomorrow will
crucially rely on technology management and leadership.

TEMSCON Global is the flagship conference of the IEEE Technology and
Engineering Management Society (TEMS) and is a premier venue for research
on management, innovation, and leadership across the spectrum of technology,
science, and engineering. The conference will convene researchers, managers,
practitioners, educators, students, and policy makers to present and discuss new
developments in the fields of interest of IEEE TEMS. The conference program will
include contributions to this call for papers as well as plenary lectures, invited
presentations, innovation and entrepreneurship sessions, and industry forums.

TEMSCON Global welcomes submissions of full papers and extended abstracts.
Manuscripts that are accepted and presented will be submitted for inclusion
in the IEEE Xplore digital library and indexed by EI/Compendex. Authors of
selected full papers will be invited to submit extended versions for potential
publication in special issues of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
and IEEE Engineering Management Review. Proposals for workshops and special
sessions are also welcome. Refer to the conference website for further details
and submission instructions.