EuroXR 2025 : 22nd EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2025

September 3-5, 2025Winterthur

The 22nd EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2025

September 3-5 2025

Zürich/Winterthur, Switzerland


The EuroXR association ( would like to kindly invite you to contribute to the 22nd EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2025.

EuroXR 2025 will be hosted and co-organized by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), located in Winterthur, Switzerland. As in the previous year, our International Conference will take place with in-person attendance, so you can expect a rich experience.

Beside Invited Keynote talks and plenary sessions for Scientific track, Applications track, and Posters & Demos track, we will also welcome this year joint events related to several European projects in progress.


For all conference tracks, we seek original, high-quality contributions in all areas of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, and thus related to Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and 3D User Interfaces. In these areas, submissions may address a wide range of topics of interest, as listed in

Please note that the calls for contributions for each category will not be open at the same time.

*Scientific track: [OPEN NOW] Papers (Long, Medium, or Short) must describe novel research results and will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). For your convenience, indexing information of LNCS series is available on this Springer Webpage.

*Application track: [NOT OPEN YET] Extended abstracts, which are meant to describe practical use cases of XR technologies.

*Poster track: [NOT OPEN YET] Posters may present preliminary results of research or application projects or work in-progress. They will be submitted as an extended abstract.

*Demos track: [NOT OPEN YET] Demos may accompany any type of submission or may be submitted independently. They are submitted as an extended abstract.

Extended abstracts (2-4 pages) of accepted Application talks, or accepted Posters and Demos, will be published in an ISBN-registered proceedings, edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. The calls for those kinds of papers will be announced later.


This year, two procedures are possible for Scientific paper submissions, which allow authors to choose between two different deadlines.

Submissions before the first deadline (April 13) will get a reviewing procedure that includes a rebuttal phase after receiving the initial review reports. This will allow the authors to clarify potential misunderstandings and to resubmit a revised paper before the final decision of the reviewers.

Alternatively, authors can choose to submit to the second deadline (June 24), but will not benefit from the advantage provided by the rebuttal procedure.

In both cases, all submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Important Dates for the Scientific Track (each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE)

*Scientific paper submission with rebuttal procedure:...................... Apr 13, 2025

*First notification for papers submitted with the rebuttal procedure:...... May 9, 2025

*Deadline for revised papers in the rebuttal procedure:.................... May 16, 2025

*Scientific paper submission without rebuttal procedure:................... May 16, 2025

*Final notification for all scientific papers (with or without Rebuttal) :. July 1, 2025

*Camera-ready submission of accepted Scientific papers:................... July 14, 2025

*Deadlines for the Application, Posters and Demo tracks: To be announced later

Three sizes of papers are possible in the Scientific track:

*Long paper: 14-20 pages in the Springer format (about eight pages in traditional two-column format). If accepted, the authors will have about 30 minutes of presentation (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

*Medium paper: 8-12 pages in Springer's format. If accepted, the authors will have about 20 minutes of presentation (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

*Short paper: 4-6 pages Springer format. This type is meant for work-in-progress, position papers, and similar content. If accepted, the authors will have about 10 minutes of presentation (including questions) during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

Submission guidelines will appear soon on the conference web page.

General Chairs

Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Wolfgang Schaefer, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland

Scientific Program Chairs

Despina Michael-Grigoriou, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany

Regis Kopper, Iowa State University, USA

Sang Ho Yoon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea

Patrick Bourdot, CNRS & University Paris-Saclay, France

Additional co-chairs will be announced later, particularly for the Application track, and Poster & Demo track.

For any further information or news about EuroXR 2025, please consult the conference website: or send an email to [email protected]