DCAC 2025 : Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology

May 9-10, 2025Corfu, Greece / Hybrid
Welcome to the 7th International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges. DCAC-2025 will again afford an exceptional opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, offering a worldwide connection between researchers and lecturers, from a wide range of academic fields, facilitating partnerships across national and disciplinary borders. This International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges is hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University) and it will be held in hybrid way- online and in Corfu (Greece).

The aim of the DCAC-2025 is to bring together technology, art and culture in the Digital Era, as well as to provide a forum on current research and applications incorporating technology, art and culture, to deepen cooperation, exchange experiences and good practices.

Researchers, artists and scholars are encouraged to participate in the discussion about the interaction between interdisciplinary creativity, technology, arts and culture. Authors are invited to present original papers for oral presentation in the fields of New Media Arts and Digital Culture.

Topics of the Conference include (but not limited to):

Algorithmic Art
Algorithmic music composition
Art and Culture Analysis
Art and Technology
Art and cultural promotion and dissemination
Art, Technology and Education (Creative Technologies)
Artificial Intelligence in Arts
Artistic Applications in Art and Technology
Audio-Visual and Multimedia Design
Collaborative and adaptive environments for Artistic creation and/or dissemination
Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education
Cybernetics in Contemporary Art
Data Visualization
Digital Art (computer art, animation, virtual art, internet art, pixel art, interactive art, 3Dprinting)
Digital Preservation
Digital Representation
e-Learning in Art and Media Studies
Electronic Music
Experimental Art & Cultural product
Film Practice and Education
Film Practice and Research
Holography & Hologram Technology
Human-Computer Interaction, (human‐computer interfaces, ubiquitous, natural and adaptive interfaces, assistive technologies)
Internet Culture
Media Literacy and Media Studies
New Aesthetic
Virtual Reality - Augmented Reality - Mixed Reality

The conference participation fee is:
70 euros (early bird, until May, 2025)
90 euros (standard)
The conference participation fee for students is 50 euros.
Registration for all participants is made exclusively online, available after the notification date.
In case of cancellation, requests submitted before 28 April, 2025 will be refunded 50% of the registration fees. No refund will be available after this date.


You are invited to submit proposals for extended abstracts.
Extended abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review by the assigned scientific committee.

Extended abstracts are requested to be sent until the 10 February 28 February 2025 (14.00 CET).
Acceptance/rejection of extended abstracts will be notified to the authors until 1 April, 2025

Note that submission of a full paper is not required for presentation at the conference, but papers submitted for publication will undergo a double-blind peer review process if presented at the conference. Only the accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Proposals may be submitted in three categories:
◦ theoretical study
◦ empirical research
◦ practitioner presentation

The submitted contributions should be original. They should not be previously published or submitted for publication in other editions.

Submissions must be sent electronically through the submissions system for DCAC-2025 conference, by completing the relevant form (NO file uploading is required).

The extended abstract:

should be no more than 750 words including summary, objective, method, conclusion and references
should be structured clearly, indicating: the theoretical framework, the research/study design, the methods or
instruments, the description of the experience, etc and
should be submitted in English, the official language of the conference.
Paper presentations should be planned for about 15 minutes in length.

Full papers should be submitted after conference - the deadline will be announced.