WOCC 2025 : The 34th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2025)
The 34th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2025)
Time: May 20-22, 2025
Venue: Macao, China
Official Website: https://www.wocc.org/
【About Conference】
The 34th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference is an IEEE international conference. In the past three decades, WOCC has become one of the major conferences for telecommunications and networking professionals both in the U.S. and in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as, other regions of the world, presenting the latest innovations, discussing the emerging techniques, exchanging research ideas, and exploring frontier issues. WOCC 2025 will also feature high-quality plenary speeches, as well as, invited keynotes from prominent research and industry leaders.
Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC.org)
Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)
【Technical Sponsors】
IEEE Photonics Society
IEEE Macau Section
IEEE Photonics Society
【Organizing Committee】
- General Chairs -
Qinglin Zhao, Macau University of Science and Technology
Jie Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Program Chairs -
Jianqing Li, Macau University of Science and Technology
Miaowen Wen, South China University of Technology
Jianjun Yu, Fudan University
Xu Chen, Sun Yan-sen University
- Publication Chair -
Rubing Huang, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Local Coordinate Chair -
Xuanxuan Xiao, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Finance Chair -
Jinyu Tian, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Publicity Chair -
Li Feng, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Advisory Members -
Mengchu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens Institute of Technology
Meilong Jiang, Qualcomm
Kevin Lu, Stevens Institute of Technology
James C. M. Hwang, Cornell University
Xin Jiang, City University of New York
Danijela Cabric, University of California, Los Angeles
【Call for Papers】
The 34th Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2025) will serve as an international forum for experts from academia, industry, and government to exchange their novel ideas and latest results on cutting-edge researches and developments in the areas of wireless networks and communications, optical communications and networks, as well as machine learning and AI for communications. The conference will feature several awards, including the famous Charles Kao Best Paper Award, named after the Nobel laureate who advanced fiber optics in telecommunications
1. Wireleseless Networks and Communications Symposium
Radio access technologies for 5G and 6G
Novel antenna systems, propagation, RF design, mmWave, and (sub-)Terahertz communications
Signal processing (transmission and reception) for sub-6GHz, mmWave, and (sub-)Terahertz communications
Multi-antenna (MIMO, Massive MIMO), multi-user, centralized, and distributed multi-node systems
Reconfigurable intelligent surface
Interference management, alignment, and cancellation
Wireless networks: cross-layer design, security, and services
Green communications and networking
Unmanned aerial vehicle communications, vehicular networks, and telematics
Wireless network modeling and performance analysis
Pervasive and wearable computing and networking
Non-terrestrial networks, e.g., low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite access networks
Seamless integration of optical, edge, and other emerging technologies
Integration of satellite and terrestrial networks
Standardization activities of emerging wireless technologies
Wireless technologies for IoT, smart cities, smart communities and smart homes
Disaggregated radio access networks (RAN), Open RAN and Cloud RAN
2. Optical Communications and Networks Symposium
Optical communications for long-haul and metro networks
Optical access networks for fixed and mobile services
Optical interconnections for data center applications
Optical networking for IIoT and industry 4.0 applications
Optical networking for data center and computing applications
Optical wireless communication for space-air-ground integrated network in 6G
Fixed 5G, Fiber to the Room (FTTR), WiFi and optical access integration, and Fixed 6G
Software defined networking (SDN) for optical networks
Fibers and fiber devices
Optoelectronic devices, amplifiers, and lasers
Quantum and nonlinear optics as well as nano-photonics
Radio-over-fiber and microwave photonics
Free space and visible light communications
Optical sensors and networks
3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Symposium
AI/Machine learning and intelligent communications
AI/Machine learning in network theory and methodologies
AI/Machine learning based information and signal processing
AI/Machine learning in wireless, mobile and satellite communications
AI/Machine learning in network automation
Big data and deep learning applications in network security
Intelligent resource (e.g., spectrum, power) allocation schemes
Intelligent antennas design and dynamic configuratione
Intelligent massive MIMO communication systems
Intelligent positioning and navigation systems
Intelligent cooperative/distributed coding
Intelligent wireless sensor networks
Resource and network optimization using big data and machine learning
Cloud-based big data, IoT, and multimedia computing and communications
【Submission Website and Guidelines】
1. All submission shall follow IEEE Templates, which are available at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
2. Please submit your original papers at EDAS
3. There are three symposias (tracks) of WOCC 2025:
Wireless Networks and Communications Symposium
Optical Communications and Networks Symposium
Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence Symposium
Please pick one of them to submit your manuscripts
4. 4-5 page full papers are welcome. A Best Paper will be awarded to a full paper in each symposium.
【Important Reminder】
1. At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the "Regular" or "IEEE Members" rates, even if the author is a student. A registration of "Student" category is not valid for covering the accepted paper.
2. One "Regular" or "IEEE Members" registration can cover at most 2 accepted paper.
3. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 5 printed pages (10pt font) including figures and tables (maximum 1 additional page with over length page charge of USD 150 if accepted). Papers exceeding 6 pages will not be accepted at EDAS.
4. The submitted manuscripts should be in PDF format. All manuscripts are recommended to follow the IEEE templates.
【Contact us】
Contact email: [email protected]
Contact phone: +86-13281280917 / +86-13739469027
Time: May 20-22, 2025
Venue: Macao, China
Official Website: https://www.wocc.org/
【About Conference】
The 34th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference is an IEEE international conference. In the past three decades, WOCC has become one of the major conferences for telecommunications and networking professionals both in the U.S. and in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as, other regions of the world, presenting the latest innovations, discussing the emerging techniques, exchanging research ideas, and exploring frontier issues. WOCC 2025 will also feature high-quality plenary speeches, as well as, invited keynotes from prominent research and industry leaders.
Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC.org)
Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)
【Technical Sponsors】
IEEE Photonics Society
IEEE Macau Section
IEEE Photonics Society
【Organizing Committee】
- General Chairs -
Qinglin Zhao, Macau University of Science and Technology
Jie Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Program Chairs -
Jianqing Li, Macau University of Science and Technology
Miaowen Wen, South China University of Technology
Jianjun Yu, Fudan University
Xu Chen, Sun Yan-sen University
- Publication Chair -
Rubing Huang, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Local Coordinate Chair -
Xuanxuan Xiao, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Finance Chair -
Jinyu Tian, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Publicity Chair -
Li Feng, Macau University of Science and Technology
- Advisory Members -
Mengchu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens Institute of Technology
Meilong Jiang, Qualcomm
Kevin Lu, Stevens Institute of Technology
James C. M. Hwang, Cornell University
Xin Jiang, City University of New York
Danijela Cabric, University of California, Los Angeles
【Call for Papers】
The 34th Annual Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2025) will serve as an international forum for experts from academia, industry, and government to exchange their novel ideas and latest results on cutting-edge researches and developments in the areas of wireless networks and communications, optical communications and networks, as well as machine learning and AI for communications. The conference will feature several awards, including the famous Charles Kao Best Paper Award, named after the Nobel laureate who advanced fiber optics in telecommunications
1. Wireleseless Networks and Communications Symposium
Radio access technologies for 5G and 6G
Novel antenna systems, propagation, RF design, mmWave, and (sub-)Terahertz communications
Signal processing (transmission and reception) for sub-6GHz, mmWave, and (sub-)Terahertz communications
Multi-antenna (MIMO, Massive MIMO), multi-user, centralized, and distributed multi-node systems
Reconfigurable intelligent surface
Interference management, alignment, and cancellation
Wireless networks: cross-layer design, security, and services
Green communications and networking
Unmanned aerial vehicle communications, vehicular networks, and telematics
Wireless network modeling and performance analysis
Pervasive and wearable computing and networking
Non-terrestrial networks, e.g., low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite access networks
Seamless integration of optical, edge, and other emerging technologies
Integration of satellite and terrestrial networks
Standardization activities of emerging wireless technologies
Wireless technologies for IoT, smart cities, smart communities and smart homes
Disaggregated radio access networks (RAN), Open RAN and Cloud RAN
2. Optical Communications and Networks Symposium
Optical communications for long-haul and metro networks
Optical access networks for fixed and mobile services
Optical interconnections for data center applications
Optical networking for IIoT and industry 4.0 applications
Optical networking for data center and computing applications
Optical wireless communication for space-air-ground integrated network in 6G
Fixed 5G, Fiber to the Room (FTTR), WiFi and optical access integration, and Fixed 6G
Software defined networking (SDN) for optical networks
Fibers and fiber devices
Optoelectronic devices, amplifiers, and lasers
Quantum and nonlinear optics as well as nano-photonics
Radio-over-fiber and microwave photonics
Free space and visible light communications
Optical sensors and networks
3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Symposium
AI/Machine learning and intelligent communications
AI/Machine learning in network theory and methodologies
AI/Machine learning based information and signal processing
AI/Machine learning in wireless, mobile and satellite communications
AI/Machine learning in network automation
Big data and deep learning applications in network security
Intelligent resource (e.g., spectrum, power) allocation schemes
Intelligent antennas design and dynamic configuratione
Intelligent massive MIMO communication systems
Intelligent positioning and navigation systems
Intelligent cooperative/distributed coding
Intelligent wireless sensor networks
Resource and network optimization using big data and machine learning
Cloud-based big data, IoT, and multimedia computing and communications
【Submission Website and Guidelines】
1. All submission shall follow IEEE Templates, which are available at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
2. Please submit your original papers at EDAS
3. There are three symposias (tracks) of WOCC 2025:
Wireless Networks and Communications Symposium
Optical Communications and Networks Symposium
Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence Symposium
Please pick one of them to submit your manuscripts
4. 4-5 page full papers are welcome. A Best Paper will be awarded to a full paper in each symposium.
【Important Reminder】
1. At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the "Regular" or "IEEE Members" rates, even if the author is a student. A registration of "Student" category is not valid for covering the accepted paper.
2. One "Regular" or "IEEE Members" registration can cover at most 2 accepted paper.
3. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 5 printed pages (10pt font) including figures and tables (maximum 1 additional page with over length page charge of USD 150 if accepted). Papers exceeding 6 pages will not be accepted at EDAS.
4. The submitted manuscripts should be in PDF format. All manuscripts are recommended to follow the IEEE templates.
【Contact us】
Contact email: [email protected]
Contact phone: +86-13281280917 / +86-13739469027