WITSO 2025 : Workshop on innovative technologies for space optics

October 13-17, 2025Noordwijk


Diffractive and Meta-optics

This topic covers innovative diffractive and meta-optics components and optical concepts for space applications related to imaging, remote sensing or optical communication. These components may include:

Spectral dispersers
Spatial and spectral filters
Polarization control
Flat optics
Holograms and beam shaping
Novel functionalities

The topic covers the following general aspects:

Diffractive and meta-optics elements:
Design and analysis
Fabrication techniques
Materials and robustness
Metrology and characterization
Instruments using diffractive and meta-optics:
Novel instrument concepts
Modelling tools and simulations
Experimental performance demonstrations

Spin-in: Non-Space Technologies for Space Optics

This topic addresses novel optical technologies developed in non-space domains which could be adapted for space optical instruments and bring ground-breaking or disruptive effects to the development of optical payloads and missions.

Such non-space domains could include for example:

On-ground astronomy
Automotive industry,
Semi-conductor industry

Opto-mechanical design and analysis

This topic addresses significant innovations in Opto-Mechanical Design and Analysis which could impact the performance, reliability, cost and/or time-to-flight of future optical missions, from cubesats to large deployable payloads.

Submissions for the following aspects are welcome:

Design analysis methodologies & processes, e.g.
Opto-mechanical design solutions
Innovative stress-free mounting concepts
New tolerancing approaches
Advances in-flight effects predictions
Latest developments in STOP analysis
New ideas on the interaction between Straylight analysis and mechanical properties/design
Modelling. e.g.
New software tools and data interfaces
STOP (structural-thermal-optical-performance) analysis processes
Input parameters: new needs?
Novel paradigms for model uncertainties assessment and reduction
Interface with manufacturing and testing:
Improving manufacturing, alignment and integration opto-mechanical effects prediction
Novel approaches to design Verification and model correlation