W2GIS 2025 : 22nd International SymposiumWeb and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
Call for Papers
The integration of artificial intelligence, big data, and social networks within GIS presents new opportunities for urban planning, transportation, and sustainability. However, these advancements also bring significant research challenges, spanning a wide range of methodological, conceptual, and computational issues. As the conference takes place for the first time in Mexico City and Central America, a key focus is to explore how GIScience, combined with these technologies, can address emerging environmental problems in urban contexts, particularly in relation to sustainable development goals. Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
Geospatial databases and spatio-temporal data management.
Mobile spatial interaction and movement analysis.
Spatial search, GeoWeb search engines and services.
Location-based social networks.
Spatial social networks.
On-line spatial data mining.
GeoSensor data acquisition, processing, management and analysis.
Smart environments, Internet of Things and ambient spatial intelligence.
Exploratory cartography and Web and wireless geo interfaces.
GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile location-based applications.
Cyber-geography & augmented reality.
Map personalization and adaptation.
3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services.
Ubiquitous and wireless GIS.
Security, privacy, and usability issues of Web and wireless environments.
Semantic geospatial Web and interoperability.
User studies and evaluations of online geoservices.
Indoor and outdoor wayfinding and navigation.
Crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information.
Telematics, GIS and location-based applications.
LBS and transportation applications.
Wireless-based location-aware applications.
Integration of AI and LLMs.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 8 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2025
Camera-Ready copy due: 5 June 2025
Submission Types
We invite submissions of three types of contributions:
full papers to present scientific results (limited to 16 pages),
short papers to present ongoing work (limited to 10 pages),
industry papers, for works with a larger focus on industrial impact and at least one author with an industrial affiliation (10 to 16 pages), and
showcase papers for live presentations of research prototypes and products (limited to 4 pages).
Submission instructions
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers. Each paper must be written in English, it must be submitted in PDF format, and it must be formatted using the Springer camera-ready templates available at the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science website. All contributions must be uploaded through the submission site at EasyChair.
All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Best selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for consideration in a special issue of a well-established international journal. All submissions will be reviewed for quality, originality and relevance by the Editor-in-Chief and peer reviewers.
The integration of artificial intelligence, big data, and social networks within GIS presents new opportunities for urban planning, transportation, and sustainability. However, these advancements also bring significant research challenges, spanning a wide range of methodological, conceptual, and computational issues. As the conference takes place for the first time in Mexico City and Central America, a key focus is to explore how GIScience, combined with these technologies, can address emerging environmental problems in urban contexts, particularly in relation to sustainable development goals. Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
Geospatial databases and spatio-temporal data management.
Mobile spatial interaction and movement analysis.
Spatial search, GeoWeb search engines and services.
Location-based social networks.
Spatial social networks.
On-line spatial data mining.
GeoSensor data acquisition, processing, management and analysis.
Smart environments, Internet of Things and ambient spatial intelligence.
Exploratory cartography and Web and wireless geo interfaces.
GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile location-based applications.
Cyber-geography & augmented reality.
Map personalization and adaptation.
3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services.
Ubiquitous and wireless GIS.
Security, privacy, and usability issues of Web and wireless environments.
Semantic geospatial Web and interoperability.
User studies and evaluations of online geoservices.
Indoor and outdoor wayfinding and navigation.
Crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information.
Telematics, GIS and location-based applications.
LBS and transportation applications.
Wireless-based location-aware applications.
Integration of AI and LLMs.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 8 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2025
Camera-Ready copy due: 5 June 2025
Submission Types
We invite submissions of three types of contributions:
full papers to present scientific results (limited to 16 pages),
short papers to present ongoing work (limited to 10 pages),
industry papers, for works with a larger focus on industrial impact and at least one author with an industrial affiliation (10 to 16 pages), and
showcase papers for live presentations of research prototypes and products (limited to 4 pages).
Submission instructions
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers. Each paper must be written in English, it must be submitted in PDF format, and it must be formatted using the Springer camera-ready templates available at the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science website. All contributions must be uploaded through the submission site at EasyChair.
All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Best selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for consideration in a special issue of a well-established international journal. All submissions will be reviewed for quality, originality and relevance by the Editor-in-Chief and peer reviewers.