ISM 2025 : International Conference on Industry of the Future and Smart Manufacturing

November 12-14, 2025University of Malta, Malta
ISM 2025: International Conference on Industry of the Future and Smart Manufacturing!


The International Conference on Industry of the Future and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) is a yearly open forum fostering the smart culture and exploring the transformative impact of digital technologies characterizing the 4th industrial revolution across the full breadth of economic sectors.

The manufacturing community is leading a series of world-class breakthroughs driven by the convergence of physical and digital spaces, operational excellence and human-automation symbiosis that are intimately changing the profile and behavior of socio-technical ecosystems at all levels of public and private sectors.

To support this transition, ISM promotes the cross-fertilization of multidisciplinary knowledge bringing together a global community of eminent academics, research innovators, professionals, leaders and policy makers committed to build more efficient, agile, safe, sustainable and ethical systems; encourages the dissemination of the latest scientific advances, research results and industrial stories to strengthen the theoretical base of Industry 4.0/5.0; and provides a stimulating ground for business-to-science cooperation opportunities.


November 12 – 14, 2025
Venue: University of Malta, MALTA


Abstracts or full draft papers, May 31st, 2025

Acceptance Notification, June 30th, 2025

Camera Ready Papers, August 10th, 2025

Proceedings and Indexing

The ISM Conference Proceedings are published as a dedicated issue of the Elsevier Procedia Computer Science (CiteScore: 4.0). Launched in 2009, Procedia Computer Science is an electronic product focusing entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Procedia Computer Science is Open Access and indexed in Scopus, thus providing maximum exposure for your work.

Current list of Topics , Applications and Tracks:

- Additive Manufacturing
- AI-enhanced Manufacturing
- Autonomous production
- Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing and Logistics
- Blockchain for Manufacturing and Logistics
- Cloud Computing
- Cyber Physical Production Systems
- Cyber Security
- Digital Twins
- Economics & Business Models
- Industrial Engineering Education 4.0
- Ergonomics and Social Factor
- Human-Machine Interaction
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Smart and Digital Supply Chains
- Maintenance and Lifecycle Management
- Manufacturing Technologies
- Product & Process Design
- Production Systems and Supply Network Engineering
- Project and Risk Management
- Quality Management & Assurance
- Robotics in Industry
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Simulation in Production and Logistics
- Smart Operators and Human-centric Systems
- Sustainability-oriented production
- VR/AR Applications in Industry

- Agriculture, Food, Drinks & Tobacco Industry
- Biotech, Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Product Industry
- Chemical Industry
- Commerce & Finance
- Construction Industry
- Education Sector
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industries
- Healthcare Sector
- Manufacturing & Production
- Mechanical Engineering Industry
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Public service
- Raw materials, metals, minerals and forest-based industries
- Telecommunication Industry
- Textiles, fashion and creative industries
- Tourism Industry
- Transport equipment manufacturing
- Transportation & Shipping Industry
- Utilities Industry

- Adaptive automation for human-centric manufacturing
- Artificial Intelligence for Supporting Human Work
- CPS and IIoT in the edge-cloud continuum
- Cyber-resilient management of industrial cyber-physical systems
- Design and Management of Cobot Systems for Smart Manufacturing
- Digital Manufacturing: towards Industry 5.0 - The future is already here
- Digitalizing the Ship Life Cycle
- Engineering Education 5.0: Exploring Students’ Life-Cycle Learning
- Engineering Education 5.0: Lifelong Learning for Future Challenges
- Ethics & Responsible Innovation in Industry 4.0
- Federated Learning for Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
- Warehousing of the future: Towards smart, human-centered, and sustainable logistics facilities
- Generative AI and manufacturing of the future
- Generative AI in Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Global Industrial Processes and Sustainable Development
- Harmonic industry and transition paradigms for circular innovation
- Human-machine interactions towards a sustainable Industry 4.0 production environment
- Human-Robot Collaboration in Operations Management: From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0
- Implementing Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Maintenance in the X.0 era
- Industry 4.0 applications for material handling and logistics
- Industry 4.0 applications for operations management and maintenance
- Innovative solutions for smart and sustainable agri-food supply chains
- Integrated and dynamic planning for efficient smart manufacturing: Recent advances in management and science
- Integrating Operations Management with Industry 4.0 and 5.0 for Supply Chain Performance
- Intelligent Systems for Optimizing Logistics Processes
- Metaverse: Industrial and societal opportunities and challenges
- Mixed Reality, Ergonomics, and Physiological Metrics: Enhancing Well-Being in Industrial Settings
- New OHS paradigms in the context of Smart Factories
- Performances measurement in the green industry: an operation management tool for the factory of the future
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning and Explainable AI
- Prescriptive Analytics in Production
- Quality management & improvement methods, tools, and applications towards Zero Defect Manufacturing
- Smart surface functionalization and characterization techniques
- Social sustainability in the supply chain
- Software Design Aspects for Industrial Machine Learning
- Sustainable and Resilient Manufacturing
- The digitalization of supply chains: challenges and opportunities from a managerial perspective
- The Industrial Operator 4.0: Human-Technology Integration and Collaboration
- The Role of Twin Transitions in Driving Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- Transforming Human Resource Management in the Era of Industry 5.0
- 6G enabled Manufacturing as a Service for Industry 5.0

Conferences Proceedings are available at this link


The ISM comes with three different awards that will be granted to the authors of high-quality papers who will present the paper during the Conference. The winner for each award will be determined by the Award Committee (different per each award) from a short list of finalists based on the gathered reviews and on their own reading of the papers. The winner certificates will be awarded during the Awards Ceremony.

The "Best Paper Award" is assigned by the ISM Best Paper Award International Committee and selected among the top quality papers presented at ISM based on originality, scientific quality and impact on the manufacturing domain.

The "Industrial Impact Paper Award" is assigned by the ISM Industrial Partners Committee and selected among the top quality papers presented at ISM that have the greatest impact on industrial practice and provide relevant advances to manufacturing systems.

The "Best Service Innovation Paper Award" is assigned by ISSIP (Int. Society of Service Innovation Professionals) to the best paper dealing with promoting service innovation in industry and in our world by large.

The "Best Student Paper Award" is assigned by the ISM Award Committee and selected among the top quality papers presented at ISM and having a student as co-author.

The "Innovation Management Best Paper Award" is assigned by the ISM Award Committee in collaboration with the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Innovation Management to the best paper dealing with promoting innovation management in industrial contexts.

Contact and Information

For further information please contact the ISM secretariat ([email protected])

We look forward to welcoming you to Malta!

Best Regards,

ISM 2025 Organization Committee