HotOS 2025 : Hot Topics in Operating Systems

May 14-16, 2025Banff, Alberta, Canada
The 20th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems hopes to bring together researchers and practitioners in computer systems to engage in a lively discussion on the principles and practices of building systems software. Continuing the HotOS tradition, participants will present new ideas and debate future research agendas in systems research.

We solicit position papers that propose new directions of systems research, advocate innovative approaches to long-standing problems, or report on deep insights gained from experience with real-world systems. We seek early-stage work where the authors can benefit from community feedback. An ideal submission has the potential to open a line of inquiry that results in multiple conference papers by different authors in related venues, rather than a single follow-on conference paper. The program committee will explicitly favor papers likely to stimulate reflection and discussion.

HotOS takes a broad view of systems research. This includes operating systems, storage, distributed systems, mobile and embedded systems, virtualization, programming languages, networking, security, dependability, and manageability, as well as new systems contributions influenced by other fields such as hardware design, training and serving machine learning, verification, economics, social organization, and biological or other nontraditional computing systems.