HKUST-NecSys 2025 : The 10th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems (NecSys 25)

June 2-5, 2025Clearwater Bay Campus, HKUST
The 10th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems (NecSys 25)
Jun. 2-5, 2025 | Clearwater Bay Campus, HKUST

The 10th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems (NecSys 25) is organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The conference will take place at Clearwater Bay Campus, HKUST, Hong Kong from June 2 to 5, 2025.
Networked systems and complex dynamical systems are composed of a large number of individual systems interacting physically and/or through a communication network. These large-scale cyber-physical systems arise as natural models in many areas of engineering and sciences, such as sensor networks, autonomous vehicles, power networks, biological networks, social networks, and emergent behavior.
The conference will focus on the most innovative mathematical methods proposed in the last few years for the analysis and design of networked systems. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers from control, computer science, communication, game theory, social sciences, statistics, mathematics, and other areas to discuss emerging topics in networked systems.

●Topics include, but are not limited to
 Multi-agent systems
 Control under communication constraints
 Consensus and gossip algorithms
 Cooperative control/estimation/learning
 Distributed optimization and MPC
 Cyber security in networked control systems
 Event-triggered and self-triggered control
 Wireless sensing and control systems
 Graph-based methods for networked systems
 Cooperation in the presence of adversaries
 Network games
 Applications in engineering, computing, and social sciences
 Decentralized control for large-scale systems

Mohamed-Ali Belabbas
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

Florian Dörfler
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Hideaki Ishii
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Karl Henrik Johansson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Yue Lu
Harvard University, USA

Sonia Martinez
University of California, San Diego, USA

Yinian Mao
Meituan, China

Shaoshuai Mou
Purdue University, USA

Maria Prandini
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Thomas Parisini
Imperial College London, UK

Lihua Xie
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Wotao Yin
Alibaba Group, U.S.

Keyou You
Tsinghua University, China

●Paper Submission
Electronic Submission System:

Following the tradition, NecSys 25 will be single track and will feature 13 plenary presentations, 3 poster sessions, and 2 spotlight presentation sessions (see the program schedule)
The finalists for the IFAC Young Author Award will be presented as talks in the spotlight presentation sessions. Other accepted contributed papers and all accepted extended abstracts will be presented in the poster sessions
For presentations at the Poster Sessions, all posters should be prepared to fit the poster panels whose size is 110 cm / 43 in (width) x 160 cm / 63 in (height). That is the maximum size for the posters.
If a paper (or extended abstract) is accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the work.

●Contact us
Telephone: +852-30506862 | +86-15756362251
WeChat: HKSME15756362251