FCSIT 2025 : 2025 4th Eurasian Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science and Information Technology
★2025 4th Eurasian Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT 2025) -- Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
May 23-25, 2025|Valencia, Spain|Website: www.ecfcsit.org
★FCSIT 2025 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field.
Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.
★Publication and Indexing
Accepted and presented papers of FCSIT 2025 will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar and other major databases for index.
Excellent Papers from FCSIT 2025 will be recommended to be submitted for publication in journal.
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
May 23: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
May 24: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
May 25: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FCSIT2025
Ms. Katie Ouyang
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ecfcsit.org
★Topics of Interest
Human-Computer Interaction, Graphics and Multimedia:
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Computer Vision
Computer Animation
Human Computer Interaction
Internet and Web Applications
Multimedia systems and services
Theoretical Foundations, Algorithms, and Machine Learning:
Theoretical Computer Science
Algorithms and Bioinformatics
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Genetic Algorithm
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Soft Computing
Networking, Communications, and Security:
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Cyber Security
Data Communications
Information Systems
Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Networking and communications
May 23-25, 2025|Valencia, Spain|Website: www.ecfcsit.org
★FCSIT 2025 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field.
Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.
★Publication and Indexing
Accepted and presented papers of FCSIT 2025 will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar and other major databases for index.
Excellent Papers from FCSIT 2025 will be recommended to be submitted for publication in journal.
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
May 23: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
May 24: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
May 25: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/FCSIT2025
Ms. Katie Ouyang
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ecfcsit.org
★Topics of Interest
Human-Computer Interaction, Graphics and Multimedia:
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Computer Vision
Computer Animation
Human Computer Interaction
Internet and Web Applications
Multimedia systems and services
Theoretical Foundations, Algorithms, and Machine Learning:
Theoretical Computer Science
Algorithms and Bioinformatics
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Genetic Algorithm
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Soft Computing
Networking, Communications, and Security:
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Cyber Security
Data Communications
Information Systems
Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Networking and communications