COSI 2025 : 17th Conference on Optimization and Information Systems

June 1-3, 2025Bejaia, Algeria
COSI 2025 is organized around the following five topics, with a non-exhaustive list of associated keywords:

Topic A : Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Constraints Satisfaction
Data Analytics, Data Mining
Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Social Networks (e.g., recommendation algorithms, security)
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems
Ethics, Trust and Fairness
Planning and Scheduling

Topic B : Operational Research and Decision Support Systems
Combinatorial Optimization
Mathematical Programming
Algorithms and Graph Theory
Heuristics and Metaheuristics

Topic C: Big Data
Big Data Management Systems (e.g., storage, indexing, query optimization)
Cloud, Distributed, Decentralized, and Parallel Data Management
Data Warehousing, OLAP, Analytics
Energy-efficient Techniques

Topic D: Cybersecurity
IoT and Sensor Networks
Information and Network Security
Dynamic Networks (e.g., Ad hoc, WSN, VANETS)

Topic E: Applications
Healthcare and Biology
Transport and Logistics
Environment and Sustainable Development
Banking and Retail