BCIMC 2025 : 2025 Benedict College International Multidisciplinary Conference (BCIMC)

March 12-13, 2025Columbia, SC 29204
In-Person or Virtual

The 2025 Benedict College International Multidisciplinary Conference (BCIMC)
March 12-13, 2025, at 8:30 am-5:00 pm.


Benedict College
David H. Swinton Campus Center
1616 Oak Street
Columbia, SC 29204


Writing, Rhetoric, Critical Thinking in an Era of Weaponized Information


The 2025 BCIMC is committed to fostering dialogue and collaboration across academic disciplines and professional sectors to develop innovative scholarly approaches to the challenges posed by the current global information environment. In doing so, this conference aims to serve as a catalyst for intellectual growth, ethical reflection, and action-oriented research.


The pervasive nature of modern communication platforms has transformed how individuals and societies engage with information. While the democratization of information has empowered voices across the globe, it has also led to an unprecedented rise in the weaponization of narratives and the erosion of public trust in “traditional” sources of information. The sheer volume of intrusive misinformation and disinformation creates a need for deeper scholarly engagement with the ethics, strategies, and consequences of this phenomenon. The weaponization of public discourse and information strategies is studied and discussed in disciplines such as public policy, media and communication, humanities and English studies, transnational studies, international relations, cybersecurity studies, terrorism studies, and military strategy.

Conversely, the role of writing, rhetoric, and critical thinking has never been more critical for the future of public discourse systems. As a result, the 2025 Benedict College International Multidisciplinary Conference (BCIMC) aims to explore the intersections between rhetoric, critical thinking, media technology, including Generative AI and Social-Media Tools, the public sphere by critically examining the role of communicators in harnessing information, engaging in public discourse, and influencing societal outcomes. By bringing together an international and multidisciplinary community, this conference explores the following key questions:

1) How can rhetorical analysis illuminate the mechanisms of misinformation and disinformation?

2) What are the ethical responsibilities of scholars and researchers in this complex environment of communicators?

3) How can educators, activists, and policymakers reverse the pervasive and intrusive effects of weaponized information to ensure that writing, rhetoric, and critical thinking are protected practices of free speech?


Humanities: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Pidgin and Creole Studies, Oral History, Public History, African American Art, African American Musical Traditions, Hip Hop, Rap, and Cultural Studies, Rap as a Form of Resistance and Oppression, Digital Humanities, New Literacies, Critical, Literary, and Contemporary Theories

Rhetoric & Composition: Rhetoric, Composition, Critical Discourse Analysis, English Language Teaching, and English Studies

Fine Arts: Studio Arts, Design Arts, Art History, Design History, Art Education, Music Industry, Music Education, Music Composition, Music Theory, Music Performance, and Music History

Mass Communication: Philosophy of Communication, Communication Theories, Communication Technology and Society, Media Studies, Media Institutions, Artificial Intelligence in the Newsroom, Organizational Communication and Public Relations, Science and Health Communication, Technical Communication

Social Sciences: African American History, History, Philosophy, Critical Thinking, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminal Justice Administration, Cybersecurity, Information Security, and Artificial Intelligence

Sciences: Studies in Physical, Earth, Life, Health, and Computer Sciences,
Environmental and Electrical Engineering, and Physics and Math

Health and Sports Management: Public Health, Sports Management, and E-Sports

Business: Business Administration and Marketing, Globalization and E-Commerce, and Entrepreneurship

Interdisciplinary: Immigration, Refugee, Diaspora, Social Movement Studies, Peace Studies, Sovereignty Movement Studies, Extended Learning, Access and Engagement

Transnational Studies: Art-Material Culture, Comparative Literature, International Relations, Security Policy, Post-Colonial Studies, Legal History, Diasporist Studies, Atlanticist Studies, and Slavery Studies


Some questions to consider when thinking about your topic and composing the abstract and paper are listed below:

How can rhetorical analysis illuminate the mechanisms of misinformation and disinformation?

What are the ethical responsibilities of scholars and researchers in this complex environment of communicators?

How can educators, activists, and policymakers reverse the pervasive and intrusive effects of weaponized information to ensure that writing, rhetoric, and critical thinking are protected practices of free speech?


Abstracts of 300 words are due on Monday, January 13, 2025, by 11:59 pm. Attach a brief bio, academic title and discipline, and academic or personal email address to Abstracts.
Please indicate in your Abstract whether your participation is in-person or virtual.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance is Monday, February 3, 2025, at 11:59 pm.

Conference Registration and Fee Payment begin Friday, February 14, 2025.


Two-Day In-Person/Virtual Conference
Presenter/Attendee - $300

One-Day In-Person/Virtual Conference
Presenter/Attendee - $150

Two-Day In-Person/Virtual Graduate Student
Presenter/Attendee - $125


Accommodations in Columbia, South Carolina

FYI: The Hilton Hotels on Senate Street and on Pickens Street are close to Benedict College.

Dining Out in Columbia, South Carolina

Attractions in Columbia, South Carolina


For inquiries about the 2025 BCIMConference, please contact Dr. Victoria Batten at [email protected] and/or Dr. Amita Singh at [email protected].


Dr. Leon T. Geter
Dr. George Devlin
Dr. Victoria L. Batten
Dr. Amita Singh
Dr. Dawn Campbell
Dr. Alex Gorelik
Dr. Deborah Hunter-Clark
Dr. Sylvester Odigie-Osazuwa
Dr. Malqueen Richardson
Ms. Catherine Smalls
Ms. Sherry Weeks

Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, Benedict College President and CEO

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenedictEDU
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/721647/